Working Equitation Canada rules are protected by Copyright. Written permission from Working Equitation Canada must be obtained by organizers to use these rules at all non-sanctioned events including clinics and schooling shows. Apply here
This document will be revised annually. Suggestions for modifications from WE groups, show officials, or individuals involved in the discipline are encouraged. A Rule Change Proposal Form is included as Appendix E. This form may be submitted to secretary@workineq.ca up until October 1st of any calendar year, to enable adequate consideration of the proposed modification prior to the start of the following competition year on January 1.
Dressage Trial
The Dressage trial prepares riders for the challenges presented by obstacles encountered in fieldwork. The goal is to develop the handiness of the horse and improve the regularity and correctness of the gaits.

EOH Trial
Ease of Handling (EOH) is the second trial in a Working Equitation competition. The EOH trial consists of an obstacle course made up of prescribed obstacles, which evaluates the horse and rider's dressage skills when applied to obstacles.
Speed Trial
The Speed trial is judged solely on the time taken to complete the course, plus any time adjustments for bonuses or penalties. This trial provides evidence of the rider's coordination and anticipation, and the horses' submission, speed, and attention.

Cattle Trial
The Cattle trial tests the ability of the horse and rider to work cattle individually and with teammates. The trial is performed with a team of 3 or 4 riders working together to cut pre-selected cattle from a herd one at a time in accordance with a pre-established order defined by the jury (one per rider) and herd them into a holding pen separate from the rest of the herd. The objective is to demonstrate the abilities of cutting/herding/containing cattle efficiently and accurately.